Friday, December 17, 2010

Good Sound

Basic criteria for the good sound are clarity, minimum noise, content, repeatability….. when my new sound library reach certain number, I will pre-listen through them and select for good sound base on those criteria, then I would usually perform sound test for validation and classification before launching in BH. A good sound will attract lot of birds to kiss tweeter

Someone may claimed that which good sound worked very well in certain area but it isn’t that effective in other area, why same sound could have different effectiveness in different area? We know that swiftlet will get bored with the new sound after 1~2 weeks, effectiveness will be getting lesser and lesser, I do have my own solution to keep the effectiveness of sound attraction. so if your sound has been used in that area for some time by another BH, and you play it in the same area it probably will not perform with good effectiveness during your sound test. Other factor like timing, and weather will be affecting outcome of your test. If I would want to select sound for new BH in hot swiftlet farming zone, I will do a round of neighbourhood sound survey and ensure that select those good sounds that I selected are not being used by other neighbour BH, it will perform the best in the launching.

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