Saturday, March 19, 2011

Portable Partition 移动式隔间墙板

We know that swiftlets would normally choose corner or some places they feel safe to start up the first nest and later develops into colony. From understanding such a behavior, some time we will purposely build partition or room creating living environment they like, making birds to stay down. Partition is also commonly used to minimize sunlight and wind pressure in order to maintain and stabilize in optimum micro condition in nesting area.

For newbie or whoever cannot confidently handle flying path or any uncontrollable factors, some time we may need to try and error, improve from experiment especially in revamping fail farm. Portable partition is a good idea helping us in such experiments instead of fixed partition; we can DIY moving it easily or assembly numerous pieces to form a wall or room without assistance of carpenter. We can replace it later with permanent partition after getting positive outcome from the experiment. We can also remove it easily if experiment not successful, or reform into other design.

Attached drawing dimension is just for reference, you may need to resize to fit your BH. Critical part is that the base of portable partition must be strong enough but not too heavy.




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