Thursday, January 13, 2011

Standalone BH more difficult to succeed than town BH? 独立式燕屋比市镇燕屋更难成功?

I am often asked the same question, is standalone BH especially on the plantation or remote location more difficult to succeed than BH operated in town? There are actually many reasons, but I think the key factor that most potentially leading to the failure on standalone BH is the shortage of source of young swiftlets. We know that a new BH will need to depend on other BH from their new generated young swiftlet to migrate. BHs in town are normally very close to each other, and source of young swiftlet seldom be shortage but other factors like design, sound, BH condition, strategy and others play more critical role for success.

Some owners build their standalone BH on their land just because their own peice of land, building BH on it just wanted to further utilize it without considering the suitability. I will advise who intend to build their standalone BH better to do site survey like bird call test, flying path observation, food source etc, those evaluation can actually help us to understand risk better before proceeding further. Source shortage may not lead to failure totally but slow growth even with good design and proper in others especially in the initial stage, if you will want to go ahead make sure your patience is prepared for it. Failure on standalone BH you would lose everything including the building cost unlike town BH, but it’s got other advantage ie. less competition, licensing entitlement, complaint free.



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